KALLI TECPATL invites families to experience a Azteca/Mexica cultural space
As cultural bearers, CE COATL & CE MAZATL have the responsibility of sharing ancestral and cultural knowledge to the next generation.
KALLI TECPATL les invita a su familia para una experiencia Azteka/Mexica
L@s Portadores Culturales, Ce Coatl y Ce Mazatl tienen la resposibilidad de compartir nuestras tradiciones culturales para las siguente generaciones.
Our Space is intended for families...Los espacios que creeamos son para familias
to learn, remember and reclaim indigenous culture with storytelling and ancestral traditions. We Specialize in Danza Azteka/Native American culture. Sign up for our classes, invite us to your organization/school/event and we also offer cultural consultations!
para aprender, recordar nuestra cultura indigena con cuentos y tradiciones ancestrales. Nos especializamos en la cultura Danza Azteca/ nativo Americano. Pudedn participar en nuestras clases, o invitarnos a su eventos para dar una presentacion y tambien ofrecemos consutos culturales!

Virtual Escuelita
Registrense hoy para el siguente clases virtuales,
Register today for the Next Virtual classes

In person offerings
Join us November 16 at 2PM-3PM PST
For interactive storytelling and have the opportunity to play with ancient instruments while learning about Azteca culture & history.
Location: Arlanza Public Library,
8267 Philbin Ave, Riverside, CA 92503
Free for all Ages!

Tecpatl Fundraiser! Donate to receive this artesania from Teotihuacan,MX
We started as an in person Azteka summer camp in 2017, Empezamos Ofreciendo campamentos de Verano
la creacion/the creation de KALLi TECPATLYOUTH Programs for young warriors
Sign up for live zoom classes that we offer every season & in person cultural camps.
Browse Classes
watch our videos on Youtube/ los invitamos a ver nuestros videos en el Youtube

Join our upcoming Winter Solstice virtual offering/ Registrence hoy par participar en el siguente clase virtuales del Solsticio de Invierno
What can you expect from a Kalli tecpatl class?

Creation stories told with digital animation created by us!

Hands- on cultural arts/crafts activities

Learn Songs in Nahuatl, Spanish & English

Interactive Step by Step Aztec Dance

Expert teachers who live the culture.
get Updates on upcoming programs and scholarships
Join us!
Belinda, AGE 11
I liked KALLI TECPATL Summer Program because it had fun activities and we got to do the activities everyday. I like it because I got to know more about my ancestors.

Stella attended a virtual Summer Camp, and even though I tried to talk to her about our ancestors before, KALLI TECPATL helped awaken her ancestral spirit. We go to bed talking about the ancestors and the lessons of the day. She even retained Nahuatl words. She can't wait to see her "friends" again.

My warrios have been participating in KALLI TECPATL Youth Programs since last year and have loved every part of it. From storytelling to learning songs, these programs have strengthened their connection to their culture. Tlazokamati for all you do for our little semillitas. #PuraCultura <3

Doula Jenny
Excellent for kids of all ages. Learn songs/traditions and our connections to our sacred Mother Earth. My Tlahuiz will be joining again!

"My semillas are so thrilled with the camp. I can't thank you enough for all the work y'all are doing!"

Matt is using this month's camp lessons for a project at school. Today he said, "it's only day 2 and I'm so proud of myself".
What you all do is teach our youth about their culture and provide a safe space for them to grow and express themselves. Nic and Matt have fun! And I see how you foster independence and self expression!!! Tlazokamati!!!
TAP INTO Cultural Programs here!
You are here because you value education that centers the stories of Original people of this land. Tlazokamati/Thank you!
See Virtual Classes